* Primary class for management of the user interactive view.
* Self-invoking function added to avoid namespace pollution.
* @namespace Main
var main = (() => {
const area = document.querySelector('#constraints-area')
//List of constrained variables
let variables = {}
//Stores the operands and a symbol to compose a function which evaluates the connected blocks
let formulas = {}
//Place a box on the board when clicking on it
//Compensates for offsets
area.onmousedown = e => {
const rect = e.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect()
const x = e.clientX - rect.left
let y = e.clientY - rect.top
if (e.button === 0)
createBox(x, y)
//Disable context menu when clicking in the area
area.oncontextmenu = e => {
window.onkeydown = e => {
switch (e.key) {
case 'Backspace': clearSelection(); break;
case 'Escape': clearSelection(); break;
case 'a': console.log(variables)
* @param {Float} x x-coordinate to place the box
* @param {Float} y y-coordinate to place the box
* @description Places the box in a given location and adds various event handlers
* to handle dragging, input, and data sanitation
* @memberOf Main
const createBox = (x, y) => {
const key = Date.now()
//Create the box element
let box = document.createElement('div')
box.setAttribute('tabindex', '0')
box.setAttribute('key', key)
setTimeout(() => box.classList.remove('popin'), 250)
//Center box on mouse
box.style.left = x - box.offsetWidth / 2
box.style.top = y - box.offsetHeight / 2
//Create draggable box and ensure lines connecting boxes update position
const draggable = new PlainDraggable(box, { onMove: () => {
for (let li of lines) {
if (box === li.start || box === li.end) {
box.onmouseover = e => {
box.onmouseleave = e => {
//Right clicking on a box enables editing
box.oncontextmenu = e => {
if (box.classList.contains('variable')) {
//Save original value if box edit is canceled
let oldVal = box.innerHTML
//If right click again while editing, cancel edit
if (box.lastChild && box.lastChild.nodeName === 'INPUT') {
//Ensure previous value is properly restored on cancel
if (oldVal === '<input>')
box.innerHTML = box.lastChild.value
box.innerHTML = oldVal
let input = document.createElement('input')
input.value = box.lastChild ? box.innerHTML : ''
box.innerHTML = ''
input.onkeydown = e => {
if (e.key === 'Enter') {
const verify = verifyInput(input.value)
if (verify.result &&
!(verify.type === 'symbol' && variables[key] ||
verify.type === 'number' && verifyInput(oldVal).type === 'symbol')) {
box.innerHTML = input.value
setFunction(verify.type, input.value, box)
} else {
//All this is to stop shake from overriding the transform property set by draggable
const oldLeft = box.style.left
const oldTop = box.style.top
const translates = box.style.transform.match(/-?\d+/g)
if (translates) {
box.style.left = parseInt(box.style.left) + parseInt(translates[0])
box.style.top = parseInt(box.style.top) + parseInt(translates[1])
setTimeout(() => {
box.style.left = oldLeft
box.style.top = oldTop
}, 500)
//Cancel edit
if (e.key === 'Escape') {
box.innerHTML = oldVal
//Controls what to do when clicking on a particular box
box.onkeydown = e => {
switch (e.key) {
case 'x': deleteBox(e); break;
case 'Delete': deleteBox(e); break;
case 'f': drawLine(e); break;
case 'Backspace': clearSelection(); break;
* @param {String} type Determines what kind of function to create
* @param {String} data Input data to determine return value of created function
* @description Creates an evaluation function for constrained variables
* @memberOf Main
const setFunction = (type, data) => {
//If box is a primitive, function should return that value
if (type === 'number') {
if (!variables[key])
variables[key] = new Constraint()
variables[key].type = 'number'
variables[key].value = parseFloat(data)
variables[key].set(() => { return variables[key].value })
//If box is a pre-existing formula, update the formula and invalidate deps
} else if (type === 'symbol' && formulas[key]) {
createFormula(null, key, true)
* Deletes a box and its accompanying lines, dependents, and formulas
* @param {Event} e Event which triggered the calling of this function
* @memberOf Main
const deleteBox = e => {
const key = e.target.attributes.key.value
const removeLine = li => {
lines = lines.filter(el => { return el !== li })
//Finds line value which is being removed
let lineVal = 0
let end = {}
for (let li of lines) {
if (li.start === e.target) {
lineVal = li.value
end = li.end
for (let li of lines) {
//Deincrements and updates line labels
const lineKey = li.end.attributes.key.value
if (end === li.end) {
if (li.value > lineVal) {
li.middleLabel = LeaderLine.pathLabel(`${li.value}`, { outlineColor: '#1D3557'})
if (e.target === li.start || e.target === li.end) {
if (e.target === li.end) {
setTimeout(() => removeLine(li), 500)
} else {
//Clear deleted box from variables and deps
for (const k in variables) {
let v = variables[k]
for (const depk in v.deps) {
let dep = v.deps[depk]
if (dep === v)
delete v.deps[depk]
delete variables[key]
//Clear deleted box from formulas
for (const k in formulas) {
let ops = formulas[k].op
let outs = formulas[k].out
for (const opkey in ops) {
if (opkey === key)
delete ops[opkey]
for (const outkey in outs) {
if (outkey === key)
delete outs[outkey]
delete formulas[key]
const translates = e.target.style.transform.match(/-?\d+/g)
e.target.style.left = parseInt(e.target.style.left) + parseInt(translates[0])
e.target.style.top = parseInt(e.target.style.top) + parseInt(translates[1])
setTimeout(() => area.removeChild(e.target), 200)
let lines = [] //Store all the lines on the board
let line = [] //Temporary variable to store endpoints for new line
* @param {Event} e An event of the last selected box
* @description Draws a line between two boxes if valid and handles the creation
* of dependents and formulas depending on context
* @memberOf Main
const drawLine = e => {
if (line[0] && line[0] === e.target) {
//If two boxes have been selected, check to ensure you're not creating a circular dependency
if (line.length === 2) {
//Determine the purpose of the first and second boxes, get their corresponding keys
const result0 = verifyInput(line[0].innerHTML)
const result1 = verifyInput(line[1].innerHTML)
const key0 = line[0].attributes.key.value
const key1 = line[1].attributes.key.value
if ((result0.type === result1.type) || result0.type === 'variable' ||
result0.type === 'number' && result1.type !== 'symbol' ||
result0.type === 'symbol' && variables[key0] && variables[key0].type === 'number') {
let lineLabel = ''
//If we're creating a new formula or adding to an old one
if (result1.type === 'symbol') {
createFormula(key0, key1)
lineLabel = Object.keys(formulas[key1].op).length
//If we're connecting a formula to an output box, create new variable
} else if (result0.type === 'symbol') {
variables[key1] = new Constraint()
variables[key1].type = 'variable'
formulas[key0].out[key1] = variables[key1]
//Set new variable eval function to formula function
//Push dependents (formula operands) to variable
Object.keys(formulas[key0].op).map(key => {
const newLine = new LeaderLine(line[0], line[1], { hide: true, middleLabel: LeaderLine.pathLabel(`${lineLabel}`, {outlineColor: '#1D3557' }) })
newLine.value = lineLabel
newLine['show']('draw') //Change line creation animation to draw instead of fade
newLine.show() //Show lines
//Delay to allow animations to complete before truly deleting
setTimeout(clearSelection, 500)
* @description Clears the selected boxes for creating a line
* @memberOf Main
const clearSelection = () => {
for (let el of line) {
//Clear the selected line endpoints
line = []
* @param {String} input String to be parsed
* @returns {Object} { result: Bool, type: String }
* @description Determine whether an input is satisfactory and of what type
* the input is (symbol, variable, or string)
* @memberOf Main
const verifyInput = input => {
let isNum = /^[+-]?(\d*\.)?\d+$/.test(input)
if (isNum) {
return {result: true, type: 'number'}
} else {
switch (input) {
case '+': return { result: true, type: 'symbol' }
case '-': return { result: true, type: 'symbol' }
case '/': return { result: true, type: 'symbol' }
case '*': return { result: true, type: 'symbol' }
case '**': return { result: true, type: 'symbol' }
case '': return { result: true, type: 'variable' }
default: return { result: false, type: 'string' }
* @param {String} key0 Key of the operand box to be added to the formula
* @param {String} key1 Key of the operator box to used in the formula
* @param {Boolean} changeSymbol True if only the symbol is being changed
* @description Builds a formula composed of the operands and symbol and creates a function
* before placing it into the formula object
* @memberOf Main
const createFormula = (key0, key1, changeSymbol) => {
//If formula doesn't exist, create it
if (!formulas[key1])
formulas[key1] = { symbol: null, fn: null, op: {}, out: {} }
//If formula is only changing operand value, update operand eval fn
if (!changeSymbol) {
formulas[key1].op[key0] = variables[key0].eval
//Update dependent list
for (const okey in formulas[key1].out) {
//Get the symbol to be used for the formula
formulas[key1].symbol = document.querySelector(`.box[key="${ key1 }"]`).innerHTML
//Map over operands of formula and set them to invalidate upper deps
formulas[key1].fn = () => {
//Build formula into a string of operand {symbol} operand {symbol} operand...
let feval = Object.keys(formulas[key1].op).map(key => {
return formulas[key1].op[key]()
//Transform string into a function
return Function('return ' + feval.join(` ${ formulas[key1].symbol } `))()
* @description Iterates over all variables updating ones marked invalid and handles variable DOM updates
* @memberOf Main
const update = () => {
for (const key in variables) {
const v = variables[key]
if (!v.valid) {
//Select element in DOM and update value
const el = document.querySelector(`.box[key="${ key }"]`)
try {
const val = v.get()
if (val !== undefined)
el.innerHTML = val
el.innerHTML = ''
} catch {
delete variables[key]
el.innerHTML = ''
return {v:variables, f: formulas}